Cabo Verde Competence Center visits ECCBC Cabe Verde facilities

The CDC 3C visited yesterday the facilities of ECCBC CaboVerde with the aim of finalizing preparations for the implementation of the first phase of the training project for technicians and machine operators cavibel and Ceris in the following areas: Industrial mechanics; electricity and control and; metalworking and machining.

The strategy outlined for the economic and sustainable development of any company requires the training, reconversion and training of human resources in sufficient and necessary quantity and quality, in order to achieve the goal of prosperity based on human capital.

It is on this premise that ECCBC Cabo Verde believes, basing its strategy of continuous improvement of its services in the reinforcement of the technical competence of its staff, aiming at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the company.

The first phase of the training project will take place from 14 February to 20 May 2022.
