Quality of training and services in Cabo VERDe
Our close partnership with international actors, namely with the Centre de Compétences Génie Technique du Bâtiment - CdC GTB - in Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Energy Agency - Energiagence, and the Center for Renewable Energies and Industrial Maintenance - CERMI enables the CdC 3C to benefit from a resource’s optimization to fulfil its mission.
Harmonized certification system
All CDC 3C training courses are referenced according to the qualification level of the National Qualifications System (SNQ) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
Harmonization of the Cabo Verde Competence Center certifications

The CdC 3C benefits from a European educational engineering model from Luxembourg and uses the Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001 for the management of its training services
– Training engineering based on the European Qualifications Framework harmonized with the levels of the Cabo Verde National Qualifications System
– 28 activity / skills repositories in the fields of renewable energies, energy efficiency, industrial maintenance, safety and construction, available in 3 languages, allowing the construction of complete training courses
– Employees trained in pedagogical engineering and training needs analysis
– Automated satisfaction analysis and continuous improvement processes for constant improvement in the quality of training
– A fully digitized training ecosystem with an online and collaborative training platform.
– Competent and experienced employees in implementing energy efficiency service projects, including energy audits
– State-of-the-art equipment for carrying out energy audits
– Methods and processes tested and used in Luxembourg

The Cape Verde Competence Center shares the same facilities as its partner CERMI, and benefits from facilities, workshops and technical equipment at the forefront of innovation.
– 7 technical workshops (loaned by CERMI) with state-of-the-art equipment in the following fields: mechanics, welding, automation and electronics, wind power, refrigeration and air conditioning, photovoltaic and solar thermal energy
– A totally passive training center in terms of energy
– Spacious and equipped classrooms
– A restaurant inside the training center